I decided earlier this year that my next big medium to work in would be motion graphics/digital video/video montage. This is an easy jump for me to make with my backround in graphic design and interactive design. It's also the next logical step in my progression as a new media artist. I had previously noted in my old blog that I was interested in purchasing some new items to pursue this new endeavor. Well, I've got my first pieces of the pie and will soon be purchasing everything else I need.
The biggest item so far is the Canon GL-2 that my department is purchasing, which I will have full access to.
Secondly, I just got a Formac Studio TV-R in yesterday. This little device is bad to the bone. It acts as a break-out box that can convert any analog digital source into MPEG/DV/quicktime format. It also acts as a PVR so I can capture television programming on my harddrive.
The last pieces of the puzzle will be:
A JVC NTSC production monitor.
A Formac DVD-R/CD-RW.
It's always exciting to get new tools but the real reward has come from teaching myself After Effects and Final Cut Pro. It's very nice to again be engaged in self-education.