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January 04, 2005



Time for a banner change on typepad huh?


Is it a sign of age or maturity when a nice night at home is what you really want to do...


It's a sign of a balance and good intentions, I think. All I want to do these days is hang out at home, cook great meals, read books, watch movies and work on creative projects. The Good Stuff.


Sounds like fun! Hopefully I'll be disciplined enough to keep up with my skunk works projects when school starts. If you need any help just gimmie a holler. I'm thinking of taking off Red Hat and installing Gentoo or FreeBSD on the desktop.

I hope MT works for you. If it does, let me know your secret. I will be building a blog for someone around mid February. If MT is as customizable as reported I may be saved lots of coding.

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