Either as a sign that I'm getting old, or that the medium is getting more interesting, the past few years have found me watching more and more television. For the first time ever I feel the need to compile the best television of the past year.
LOST continues to blow me away with its original and multi-layered narratives, hidden clues, micro-realistic character development, and literary subtext. Season 3 started slow but had one of the best endings yet. I'll miss Charlie and Mr. Eko but I'm so excited to see what happens next. Season 4 starts January 31st. - The Wire
I finally started watching this show in 2006, when Season 4 was airing. I spent the rest of 2007 catching up and watched seasons 1-3. The Wire is possibly the best show ever created and is certainly the best written, most heart wrenching and brutally realistic. Every official in every American city should have to watch the entirety of this show until they get their "system" corrected. - The Sopranos
I wrote about the it earlier this year and it still has people talking. Best ending in television history? I think so. - 30 Rock
A show that can sneak in a bit titled "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" and make it work has to be the funniest on television. I love Jacky D, Liz Lemon, Tracy Jordan and the rest of the gang. - Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights is a total guilty pleasure that delivers every time. Also, whoever thought of shooting this show about West Texas football using cinema verite techniques accompanied by indie pop nuggets is a genius. - The War
Ken Burns sprawling documentary of WWII abroad and at home was incredible and moving. It made me reconsider my thoughts on the subject again. One of my favorite moments was the mini-segment on Carlson's Raiders and the application of commando tactics they learned from the Red Army in China against the Nipponese forces (which is also where the Marine term Gung Ho comes from). Thoroughly interesting stuff! - Veronica Mars
Ah, weren't Keith and Veronica Mars the best father-daughter tandem ever? Why this neo-noir show about a genius teenage gumshoe was ever canceled will always remain a mystery to me. It's nice that Kristen Bell is still hanging around as the narrator of Gossip Girl and Elle on Heroes but I really miss her as Veronica. - Heroes
Great show but weak ass ending this season. - Big Love
Big Love really came to fruition this year. The best parts were the struggles between Roman Grant, Bill Hendrickson and the weird as hell Green brothers. - Top Chef
I can't stop watching. It's brilliant in every way.