I'm voting for Barack Obama tomorrow and I think you should too. He's the most fit to lead this nation out of the past 8 years of miserable foreign policy errors and complete and total FAILURE in all matters of domestic leadership (economic, education, energy, environmental, infrastructure, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, etc. etc. etc.). The Reagan / Bush / McCain style of "small government" coupled with a massive military buildup and an expansion of pre-emptive war policies have nearly crippled us. It's time to erase what these men have done to our country and move on to something better.
Here are some particulars of why I made my decision:
Obama will create a new tax structure that gives breaks to the vast majority of Americans, while taxing the most wealthy and profitable individuals & corporations more heavily. Some have called this socialism, but let's not forget that under Reagan the highest tax rate in this country was 50% for the highest tier. Also, calling this approach to taxes socialist, or in some cases Marxist, is laughable in light of the recent bank bailouts and Republican led calls for bad Mortgage bailouts. The truth of the matter is that we need responsible governmental oversight on banking and finance as well as tax relief for middle class Americans. Obama will impose both.
Obama will also clear the way for a new approach to energy, infrastructure, and environmentalism by combining these interests into a national effort to produce alternative sources of energy coupled with more fuel efficient automobiles. Over time this will lead to less reliance on foreign oil, which will improve our national security while also improving our economy by creating jobs and new revenue, as well as exportable new products and intellectual properties.
Obama will also improve our standing in the world with our most valued allies, namely Britain, France, Germany and the rest of the E.U. We must have these nations by our side as we face the new economic reality brought on by the banking crisis and to face any and all national security threats.
Finally, Obama understands what is at stake in Iraq and that it is time to pull our troops out to allow Iraqis to govern themselves. We must focus our attention to real defense and security at home and on eliminating Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
If the 2000 and 2004 elections have taught us anything it is that every vote counts and that who we elect matters. If you lived through the Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina and the Bank Failures of 2008 you know that it matters more than anything. Whoever your choice is tomorrow, just make sure you actually get out there and VOTE!