1. Declare the BP Oil Flood a national disaster so that Louisiana can finally begin getting federal assistance.
2. Stop BP’s use of “Corexit” and other chemical dispersants that present significant danger to health and safety.
3. Under a state of emergency, employ all resources (including Navy) of the government at every level – Federal, State, local, and parish — to defend our coast, our livelihoods, and our culture.
4. Suspend all BP contracts by means of the EPA’s discretionary debarment act and seize or attach all of BP’s assets, including BP Atlantis and other operational offshore rigs, to assure that all costs of cleanup and remediation are covered.
5. Strongly enforce all regulations for workplace health and safety: Cleanup crews must be supplied with and allowed to use full-face respirators, not paper masks.
6. Undertake immediate, full, and ongoing 3rd-party verified air-quality and toxicity testing in all affected areas, including New Orleans, and objective close monitoring of the oil leak to determine the true extent of the catastrophe.
7. End all deepwater offshore oil drilling.
8. Institute a temporary moratorium on non-deepwater offshore drilling (both current and new operations) and require each operation pass a stringent independent safety review before they can resume operation. Those that fail inspection stay shut down and are heavily fined until they comply or are debared.
9. Keep all lawsuits related to the BP Oil Flood and its aftermath in Louisiana, and instruct the DOJ and States’ Attorney General to hold BP, Halliburton and Transocean accountable to the furthest extent possible under the law.
10. Found a two-decade TVA-Style Gulf Coast Authority that rebuilds sea walls, levees, coastlines, and wetlands, with a dedicated fund for fishermen and related industries to provide economic relief for those put out of work because of the disaster.